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Egal welche Mailadresse Ihr nutzt, die Mail kommt (hoffentlich) bei uns an und wir werden antworten, sobald es geht. Da wir jetzt viel auf Reisen sind und nicht immer und überall Internet haben, kann es aber ein bischen dauern.


2 Kommentare:

  1. Hello Stefan
    I saw you posting on Expeditions Portal and was delighted when you mentioned that you have a Nissan Titan with FWC Hawk. We have the same combo here ourselves. We live in San Francisco.
    I bought the Titan used and have only put around 10k miles on it in 3 years (baby happened after the camper) and its at 90k miles right now. Would love to know more about your Titan and what your upgrades and mods are and plans in general.
    I am at Shridhar.reddy@gmail.com

    Looking forward to hearing from you,

  2. Hi Christa and Stefan

    We met at the ‘Hector dolphins’ view point. You were coming from the gemstone beach. You admired my yellow ‘around the Pacific’ t-shirt. Just wanted to say hello. I was also wondering what would be the best way to stay in touch? Email address? If do, please share it with us when you have a moment. Enjoy your travels and all the best! Ana and Sorin at www.outwiththewind.com
